Who We Are
The Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association is a chamber of commerce for medical marijuana, organized to promote the medical marijuana industry in Nevada.We have a diverse membership of dispensary owners, production facilities, cultivators, labs and various companies that work with the industry. We also have patients, doctors, nurses, and researchers. We also have supporters of medical marijuana. We are an inclusive group. We believe that we need to include as many people as possible for the health aspects as well as the economic opportunities it will create in Nevada.
The Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association was started in 2014 by John Laub, President; Jim Lamb, Vice President, and Tom Haynie. In our first year, we’ve had over 20 meetings and events, covering education, regulation, new innovations, pesticides, packaging, security, and safety. (Sign up for our email newsletter to learn about the next event.) We’ve had cultivators, edible companies, doctors, pharmacists, nurse, attorneys, educators, bankers, accountants, dispensary owners, and innovators speak.
We believe that in this fast-evolving industry that education is paramount for companies to survive and thrive. We strive to bring speakers on the latest product or retail innovations.
We also believe that as an industry we have to be the leaders in safety. We need to keep the product out of the hands of children. We need to be aware of the interactions between marijuana and pharmaceutical drugs. We need to remind our patients not to drive when they are taking their medicine. We need to make sure new patients go slow on their medicine.
Nevada has always been open to new ideas. With the leadership, we believe that Nevada can be the home for medical marijuana tourism. Patients can come to Nevada to see if certain strains and cannabinoids can treat Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders in children, ADD & ADHD and to reduce the plaque in brains that leads to Alzheimer’s. We would like to see pain patients moved from addictive narcotics to medical marijuana. We want to see medical marijuana used to treat heroin and opiate addiction. How ironic that the so-called gateway drug should be used to help drug addicts beat their addictions. Our meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. We believe that Nevada can be a leader in Medical Marijuana through research, promotion and good regulation. We see this industry initially creating 3,000 jobs in Nevada but as demand grows, we can see close to 10,000 working in this industry. The Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association is like a chamber of commerce The Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association is one year old. We applaud Elevate Magazine and their staff for everything that they do to raise the awareness of this amazing plant that can help so many people. We can see a time when families and patients come to Nevada for the latest treatment in medical marijuana for autism, PTSD, Parkinson’s, migraines, cancer, epilepsy, and other maladies.

John Laub
President of the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association
John Laub is the President of the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association. He is also the co-founder of the Nevada Biotechnology & Health Science Consortium. He is currently the Chairman of the UNLV College of Sciences Advisory Board. He is a member of the board of directors for the National Atomic Testing Museum. He is the founder of the CEO-CFO Group in Las Vegas and Phoenix. He’s a lifelong Nevadan.
Jim Lamb
Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association
Jim Lamb is the Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association. Jim has over 38 years of experience in business matters and government affairs. Jim has been a college instructor in marketing for several universities and worked in the private sector.

Tony Romo
Vice President of Business Development for the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association
Tony Romo is the Vice President of Business Development for the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association. Tony has been very active in developing non-profit organizations including the Boy Scouts, the International Boy Scout Museum and Las Vegas HEALS.