Marijuana may now be legal in Nevada, but it's not "anything goes." If you plan to use marijuana, it's important to know and follow the laws.The only legal way to buy marijuana in Nevada is from a state-licensed store or dispensary. It remains illegal to buy marijuana from any other source. Customers purchasing retail marijuana will have to show proper identification proving they are 21 or older, just like for alcohol purchases.
Adults 21 years and older can legally possess marijuana in the following amounts:
- Up to 1 ounce of marijuana
- Up to 1/8 of an ounce of concentrated marijuana (the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from marijuana)
Adults 21 years and older can legally consume marijuana, but with restrictions on where it can be consumed:
- You cannot use marijuana in any public place
- You cannot use marijuana in a moving vehicle, even if you're a passenger
Essentially, this means it can only be consumed on private property (at home, for example), and as long as the property owner has not prohibited it.
It is illegal and dangerous to drive under the influence of marijuana. Any amount of marijuana consumption puts you at risk of driving impaired.
Learn more about marijuana and driving from Zero Fatalities.
Adults 21 years and older can legally grow marijuana plants at home for their personal consumption, but only if there is not a state-licensed retail marijuana store within 25 miles of the home.
The following rules apply:
- Up to 6 plants per person, but no more than 12 plants per household
- Plants must be grown within a closet, room, greenhouse, or other enclosed area that is equipped with a lock or other security device
- Plants must not be visible from a public place
- The grower must own the property or have the permission of the legal owner
Reciprocity in Nevada Medical Marijuana
Nevada will recognize medical marijuana cards from other states and jurisdictions if….
- Those states or jurisdictions exempt users from criminal prosecution for the medical use of marijuana.
- Those states or jurisdictions require users to have seen a doctor prior to issuing the card. The card should have an expiration date that has not yet expired.
- The cardholder must sign an affidavit that he or she is entitled to engage in the medical use of marijuana in his or her state or jurisdiction of residence.
- The cardholder must agree to abide by the legal limits on the possession of marijuana for medical purposes in Nevada which is 2 ½ ounces per 14 days.
-Have your card in your possession along with another ID that dispensaries can check. Dispensaries will check the name and address.
-Buy from licensed dispensaries in Nevada. (See DIspensaries in Las Vegas) A) . All licensed dispensaries are required to use certified labs to ensure that there are safe level of pesticides and the THC, CBDs, Terpenes are properly disclosed and correct. B) Personal safety. Dispensaries have guards and cameras. They are protected like banks.
-Be over 21.
-Drive a car or boat while under the influence of marijuana. Nevada has zero tolerance for driving.
-Don’t carry a firearm.
-Don’t use medical marijuana in any public place or in any place open to the public or exposed to public view. Ask your hotel where can take your medicine.
-Don’t have more than 2 ½ ounces or its equivalent (70.87 grams) in a 14 day period.
-Don’t sell or share your medical marijuana.

Go slow with edibles and products that are new to you. Keep your medicine stored away from children. Don’t take medical marijuana out of the state.
(Please see NRS 453A)
Marijuana can be a powerful substance, especially if you don’t use it appropriately. Here are some tips to help you use it safely.
Know how much is too much
Marijuana affects every person differently, and varying serving sizes, strains, and forms can lead to different levels of impairment. If you are unsure how marijuana will affect you, start with a small amount. The amount of THC in each product will be displayed on the label. Always know how much you’re consuming.
Edibles: Low and slow
The effects of marijuana can take two hours to peak after eating or drinking it, and everyone reacts differently. For a safer experience, it’s best to start with a small serving size — no more than 5 milligrams of THC — and wait at least two hours before consuming more.
Don’t mix with other substances
Using alcohol and marijuana at the same time is likely to result in greater impairment than when using either one alone. Use both with caution, and remember that it’s not a good idea to combine them. You should also be aware of the effect marijuana can have on prescription drugs. Ask your doctor if marijuana could interfere with your prescribed medication.
Used too much?
The symptoms of using too much marijuana are similar to the typical effects of using marijuana but more pronounced. These systems may include:
- Extreme confusion, anxiety, panic, or paranoia
- Fast heart rate
- Hallucinations or delusions
- Increased blood pressure
- Severe nausea and vomiting
Remember to store safely
Store all marijuana products in a locked area, out of sight and out of reach of children and pets. Keep marijuana in its child-resistant packaging. How you store marijuana should change as your children get older. What works to protect a toddler from accidental ingestion may not work to protect a curious teenager.
Learn more about what you can do to keep kids safe.